I'm a salty bitch and recovering baby addict who writes about momming, pregnancy, and pop parenting. I've been featured on Pregnant Chicken, Monterey Bay Parent, No One Talks About it, Frazzled, The Narrative Collective, Slackjaw, and Modern Women. I'm also an occasional baby-names writer on Nameberry.

I have six trophy children and a flatulent-yet-awesome husband. Parenting humor = a survival skill.

My favorite child is my parenting-humor publication, Sweary Mommy.

Medium member since May 2022
Friend of Medium since November 2023
Editor of Sweary Mommy
Connect with Lindy Vogel
Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Friend of Medium

Salty bitch, mom of six. Founder of Sweary Mommy. Failed model. Essayist and humorist. Words in Monterey Bay Parent, Pregnant Chicken, Slackjaw, & Nameberry.