Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Really Fucking Good

55 stories

Rows of prescription pill bottles
Looks like a Facebook status that says “Marked safe from gentle parenting today”
Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Tips on Self-Publishing

3 stories

Photo ofsoliciting sign
A calculator on a yellow background with a string of paper coming out of it.
Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Tips on writing my book

51 stories

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Buy This Author's Book

2 stories

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Taught me something new

13 stories

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Literary Agents to Query

1 story

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Pools of the World Tour!

2 stories

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Freelancing and Places to Submit

23 stories

How to Become a Forbes Writer in 2023
A blonde woman is sitting in bed, typing on her laptop.
Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

I Died Laughing at This

21 stories

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Reading side-hustles

1 story

Lo-fi, night, appartement view city, lap top, messy room, books, galaxy, woman reading, candle. This woman looks like she might be making money by reading books. Not much, because she looks like a student, but a few extra bucks.
Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Books to read!!!

1 story

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Writer self promo

5 stories

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Topics for Essays

2 stories

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel


2 stories

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Toy ideas for the kids

1 story

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Inspiring and Funny

2 stories

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Cool Parent Humor

2 stories

How To Create A Backup Of Your Medium Posts
Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Raunchy humor that’s also heartwarming

1 story

Lindy Vogel

Lindy Vogel

Friend of Medium

Salty bitch, mom of six. Founder of Sweary Mommy. Failed model. Essayist and humorist. Words in Monterey Bay Parent, Pregnant Chicken, Slackjaw, & Nameberry.